Impact Report

To read more about the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) process for the proposed Project, click here: https://sidewalks.lacity.gov/environmental-review-process

The City of Los Angeles (City) has prepared an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) to evaluate the potential environmental effects of the proposed Sidewalk Repair Program (Project)


The proposed Project is a Citywide program to modify the manner in which sidewalk repair projects are undertaken pursuant to the City obligations under the Willits Settlement Agreement (Willits Settlement).  Currently, the City is complying with the Willits Settlement using existing ordinances and policies. The existing process requires case-by-case review and approval of each sidewalk repair project funded as a result of the Willits SettlementUnder the proposed Project, the City would adopt a new ordinance to revise the way sidewalk repairs undertaken pursuant to the Willits Settlement are reviewed and approved, with a primary goal of streamlining the Willits Settlement implementation process. The key components of the ordinance include: 

• A ministerial approval process to enable sidewalk repair projects falling within certain specified parameters to proceed upon approval by the City Engineer or a designee, without undergoing further environmental review under CEQA;

• A streamlined discretionary approval process by the City Engineer or a designee for sidewalk repair projects falling outside the specific parameters for a ministerial sidewalk repair approval;

• A streamlined discretionary approval process by the Board of Public Works for sidewalk repair projects involving the removal of more than two street trees;

• A revised Street Tree Retention, Removal and Replacement Policy establishing a 2:1 street tree replacement to removal ratio requirement for years 1-10, 3:1 for years 11-21, and 2:1 for years 22-30, and;

• Mandatory Project Design Features (PDFs) generally consisting of regulatory compliance measures and standard construction conditions and procedures.


The following is a list of objectives for the proposed Project that support the underlying purpose, including the fundamental project objective which is to:

Ensure the continued and efficient compliance with the requirements of the Willits Settlement while amending the existing program for sidewalk repairs within the City, in accordance with the applicable disabled access requirements, including those required by the American with Disabilities Act (ADA), Public Right-of-Way Accessibility Guidelines, and California Code of Regulations Title 24 Part 2 Chapter 11B.

The following additional project objectives have also been identified:

Retain existing street trees that are the cause of sidewalk barriers to the extent feasible, provided the work would not result in street tree mortality compromise public safety, or prohibit compliance with minimum disabled access standards;

If street tree removal(s) are required, ensure compliance with the revised Street Tree Retention, Removal and Replacement Policy, including: a 2:1 street tree replacement to removal ratio requirement for the first 10 years from July 2017, a 3:1 ratio for years 11 to 21, and a 2:1 ratio for the last 9 years of the 30-year Project;

Identify the criteria and process for ministerial approval of future sidewalk improvements and street tree removals and replacements, with the goal of avoiding the need to undertake individualized environmental review of every repair of every City sidewalk or of every street tree removal and replacement and the potential legal challenge to each such approval; thereby streamlining the Willits Settlement implementation and providing certainty to the City and its disabled community.


2021 EIR 


The Sidewalk Repair Program Draft EIR was released for public review and public comments on December 26, 2019 through May 31, 2020.  For information regarding the Draft EIR, including links to the entire Draft EIR, notice of availability, previous public meeting dates and locations, and the Public Meeting presentation slides, please click here


The City prepared the Final EIR for the proposed Project. All responses to comments submitted on the Draft EIR by public agencies were provided to those agencies at least 10 days prior to certification of the 2021 Final EIR.

The Final EIR includes the introduction to the Final EIR (Chapter 1), a summary of comments received on the Draft EIR during the public review period (Chapter 2), responses to comments received (Chapter 3), corrections and additions to the Draft EIR (Chapter 4), and Final EIR Appendices (Chapter 5).  The Draft EIR public review period was from December 26, 2019 through May 31, 2020.  Comments were received during the public review period via website, mail, e-mail, and at the seven public meetings held throughout the City.  Chapter 3 includes the City’s responses to these comments.  The 2021 Final EIR is available for download below.

The Board of Public Works Commissioners adopted the Final EIR Board Report, Street Tree Policy and Mandatory Project Features Policy on Friday, May 14, 2021. The official schedule and meeting agendas for the Board of Public Works is available at the City website: https://lacity.gov/government/calendar/board-public-works-meetings

After the Board of Public Works Commissioners’ review and City Council Committee(s) recommendations, on the Final EIR and proposed Project, the Los Angeles City Council will consider the Final EIR and proposed Project. The City Council will consider certifying the Final EIR, making the required CEQA findings, and approving the proposed Project, including the adoption of the proposed ordinance, at a future City Council meeting. The Public Works Committee approved the item as amended on Wednesday, May 26, 2021. The City Council meeting occurred on Tuesday, June 22, 2021.

Please see Council File 14-0163-S3 at the Los Angeles City Clerk Council File Management System at https://cityclerk.lacity.gov/lacityclerkconnect/.


The Project was approved and the EIR was certified on June 22, 2021, but subsequently challenged by United Neighborhoods for Los Angeles and Angelenos for Trees, resulting in a judgment in favor of the petitioners and decertification of the EIR.*

*United Neighborhoods for Los Angeles v. City of Los Angeles (Los Angeles County Superior Court Case No. 21STCP02401) (United Neighborhoods).


The draft recirculated portions of the EIR (DREIR) address the legal defects in the 2021 EIR that were identified by the court so that the City may reconsider the Project for approval. The portions of the 2021 EIR are being recirculated pursuant to California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15088.5. 

The analysis contained in the DREIR determined that the proposed Project would have less-than-significant impacts related to short-term impacts on special-status species and common species, naturally occurring trees, individual trees not contained within a locally designated natural habitat or plan community, cumulative aesthetic impacts, and cumulative impacts on biological resources. The analysis contained in the DREIR did not identify any significant and unavoidable environmental impacts.


The DREIR public review and comment period started on June 6, 2024 and ended on July 23, 2024. The DREIR is available in the Environmental Documents section below. The DREIR and all documents incorporated by reference can also be reviewed at the below address. Please contact Lauren Rhodes at (213) 485-5733 or lauren.rhodes@lacity.org to schedule an appointment. Appointments are available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.


As of January 28, 2025, the City has considered and prepared responses to the comments received and compiled the final recirculated portions of the EIR (FREIR) . The City’s responses to these comments can be found in Chapter 3 of the FREIR. The FREIR can be viewed and downloaded below. 

Final Recirculated Environmental Impact Report

The Board of Public Works and City Council Committee(s) may consider and make recommendations to the Los Angeles City Council regarding the FREIR and proposed Project. The Los Angeles City Council will make findings regarding the extent and nature of the environmental impacts as described in the FREIR. The FREIR will need to be certified by the City prior to making a decision to approve the proposed Project. Public input is encouraged at all public meetings before the City.

The official schedule and meeting agendas for the Board of Public Works are available at: https://lacity.gov/government/calendar/board-public-works-meetings.

The official schedule and meeting agendas for and City Council and applicable Council Committees are available at: https://clerk.lacity.org/calendar

You may also monitor this webpage for updates regarding the CEQA approval process.

For additional information on the environmental review process, please contact Lauren Rhodes, Environmental Supervisor I, City of Los Angeles, Department of Public Works, Bureau of Engineering, at lauren.rhodes@lacity.org



Final Recirculated Environmental Impact Report


Notice of Availability Recirculated Portions of the Draft EIR

Sidewalk Repair Program Recirculated Portions of the Draft EIR


Complete Document (without appendices) (Large File, 4.5 MB):

Sidewalk Repair Program Final EIR Compiled

Individual Files (Easier to Download, PDF Format):

Sidewalk Repair Program FEIR Cover Page and Table of Contents

Sidewalk Repair Program FEIR Chapter 1 - Introduction

Sidewalk Repair Program FEIR Chapter 2 - Public Review Process and Public Comments

Sidewalk Repair Program FEIR Chapter 3 - Response to Comments Part A

Sidewalk Repair Program FEIR Chapter 3 - Response to Comments Part B

Sidewalk Repair Program FEIR Chapter 4 - Revisions to the DEIR

Sidewalk Repair Program FEIR Chapter 5 - References

Sidewalk Repair Program Final EIR Appendix A

Sidewalk Repair Program Final EIR Appendix B

Sidewalk Repair Program Final EIR Appendix C


The Sidewalk Repair Program Draft EIR was released for public review and public comments on December 26, 2019 through May 31, 2020.  For information regarding the Draft EIR, including links to the entire Draft EIR, notice of availability, previous public meeting dates and locations, and the Public Meeting presentation slides, please click here


To review documents related to the Initial Study and Scoping process, please click here: https://sidewalks.lacity.gov/environmental-review-process


The Bureau of Engineering's Environmental Management Division (EMD) is responsible for the environmental review of Engineering's projects in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The EMD also provides coordination with federal agencies for environmental review of projects that are subject to the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and processes applications for coastal development permits for activities under the jurisdiction of the City Engineer.

For additional information on the environmental review process, please contact Lauren Rhodes, Environmental Supervisor I, City of Los Angeles, Department of Public Works, Bureau of Engineering, at Lauren.Rhodes@lacity.org . You can also monitor this BOE webpage for updates regarding the CEQA approval process.

Lauren Rhodes, Environmental Supervisor I
Department of Public Works
Bureau of Engineering, Environmental Management Division
1149 S Broadway, Suite 600, Mail Stop 939
Los Angeles, CA 90015

Or email at: Lauren.Rhodes@lacity.org


If you are a member of the media, please contact Mary Nemick, Director of Communications, Bureau of Engineering at Mary.Nemick@lacity.org.

Page updated: January 28, 2025